Monday, November 06, 2006

Trying To Start New Income Program

Does life get in your way?  It sure gets in my way. I am trying to start a new income program and have been since the middle of last month.  STUFF just keeps happening.

Today my Paypal account cancelled online subscriptions for no reason.  WELL, they had a reason and an explanation, but it made no sense.

I am trying to use as a website host. They are good for a very simple website, but leave a lot to be desired.  My whole program was being set up with them as a host. I wasted all weekend trying to overcome their unique way of doing things.  Tomorrow I will find a new hosting service and start again.

The challenges that are thrown my way seem to be never ending, but I will overcome them all. I am absolutely determined to have a decent income from internet marketing within the next four months.  I have the plans. I have the desire.  I just need to persevere and ride with all that is happening and just wait out the problems.


My plan is to earn a living wage from the internet other than our Ebay sales.  I know it can be done.  I have confidence I can do it.  The time has come to FIGHT for what I know is possible.

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