Sunday, August 06, 2006

Taking Time Off

Sharon and I work 7 days a week unless there is some event we are attending.  Friday we went to the county fair, but we started the day at work.  Yesterday we took off early to see a concert, SHeDAISY a female country group. 

In addition to few days off we normally put in a 12 hour day at the warehouse.  So, now you are wondering about us.  It is not as bad as working a 40 hour week for a company.  I am 100% happier working long hours for myself than I ever was working for a company.  I never dread Mondays and I do not look forward to Friday. 

We can take off a day or two if we want.  This past month was more difficult to take time off, but we did get a little off. 

Since we had to find a place to live the extra $800 a month rent cuts into our ability to take time off, but that is OK too.  We are making it thanks to the internet.  Ebay and internet marketing pay the bills.  As you know it is mainly Ebay making the money at this time. 

The work we are doing is paying off more and more. We are getting all of our priorities in place. We are becoming clearer on what we need to do each day and each week. 

Right now I keep a running total on our bills and income in a Excel spreadsheet.  I stay right on top of our finances on a regular basis. Toward the end of the month it is on a daily basis.

Often people get into financial trouble because they do not know where there money goes.  A $3.75 latte everyday. is just over $86 a month based on 23 work days buying one.  At the end of the month when you struggle over some of your bills, think about what daily habits you have that might be making you sweat the payments.  $86 a month is surely enough to pay one of your bills.




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