Thursday, August 10, 2006

Making Enough Is NOT Enough

Are you just paying the bills every month?  Do you live from paycheck to paycheck? Making enough is not enough. If all you are doing is making enough to get by, then you are in danger.  The danger is financial ruin.  One problem could sink your financial ship.  A layoff or “down-sizing” as they call it now could mean you could lose your house, your car and your credit.

These are the things I think about in our position.  If I were to get sick or incapacitated for a couple week or a month or more, we would be in deep trouble.  Maybe you can relate to this too.  I hope not. 

Many opportunities are available to both you and me if we will only look for them, pursue them and actively and consistently work toward making an opportunity a reality.

Sharon and I are looking at more options right now.  Internet marketing is one that is high on our priority list.  Part of that is dumping this warehouse so we can concentrate on that.  We cannot do this instantly.  It will take a lot of thought and planning.  It is one idea we have.  It will take careful consideration and planning.

Our idea of dumping the warehouse and all of its contents is a radical move.  Sometimes it takes drastic measure to effect change.  We need to convince ourselves that this is a good idea. Then we need to make a plan to do it if it really makes sense. 


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